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Be Good For Goodness Sake ≠ Gospel

I don't have anything to say today.

I just need to hear the Gospel of Grace and Freedom today.

Maybe you do, too:

My past has been redeemed, my present has been empowered, my future has been secured.

" To Be good for goodness sake is Santa Claus, not Jesus.
That's not the Gospel.

The Gospel is not, 'be good, do right, because it is right to do right.'

The Gospel says, 'because of what God has already done for me in Christ, I am accepted. Therefore, I will inevitably improve because I am a new creation.' "  - Tullian Tchivdjian

"So often we think we are not free to come to Christ until we clean ourselves up and have something to offer Him. And yet he wants us to come as we are and let Him do all the work of cleaning us up."
 - Michelle Frost

"There is no doubt some Christians need to be shaken out of their lethargy. But there are also a whole bunch of Christians who need to be set free from their performance-minded shackles. They need to hear about Christ's death and resurrection. They need to hear how we are justified by faith apart from the works of the law. They need to hear the old, old story once more because the secret of the Gospel is that we actually do more when we hear less about all we need to do for God and hear more about all that God has already done for us.
- Tullian Tchivdjian's friend Kevin (sermon series Jesus + Nothing = Everything)

"Grace distinguishes the gospel from moralism.
Moralism says, "if I improve then I will be accepted."
According to moralism, acceptance is dependent on my ability to improve.

The Gospel says, "because of what God has already done for me in Christ, I am accepted. Therefore, I will inevitably improve because I am a new creation."

Moralism puts improvement before acceptance.
The Gospel puts acceptance before improvement.
Paul's emphasis on grace never ever begins with telling us what we should do.
He always begins with telling us what Christ has already done.

"This is what Christ has already done for you, therefore, go out and live a life that demonstrates that you understand what God, in Christ, has already accomplished for you." - Tullian Tchivdjian