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Showing posts from November 27, 2011

Unless Life Gives You Water & Sugar, Your Lemonade Is Gonna Suck.

A fb friend just posted: I get so tired of people telling me "you just need a positive attitude" when I'm sick and can't do something... "UNLESS LIFE GIVES YOU WATER AND SUGAR, YOUR LEMONADE IS GONNA SUCK." Or in the words of Job , "What miserable comforters you are!" Are those "positive attitude" people wrong? Probably not. Is it what my fb friend needed to hear? Evidently not. Romans 12:15 says, "Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn." I come from a self-proclaimed "family of sorrow", an identity which I do not claim for myself or my own nuclear family, so I fight tooth and nail against wallowing. But not against comforting. Not against being a friend. A friend we'll call "Joe" recently shared with a few friends that he's struggling with something emotionally. Having recently been in a similar battle myself, I can empathize and I understand that it is not  a