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Showing posts from December 25, 2011


GRACE: God's unmerited favor. In other words, getting something that I do not deserve. “If your preaching of the gospel of God's free grace in Jesus Christ does not provoke the charge from some of antinomianism, you're not preaching the gospel of the free grace of God in Jesus Christ.” -David Martyn Lloyd-Jones Eric and I started out our journey as Christians in a high-grace, high-freedom atmosphere where the gospel and grace was taught almost every week.  We knew nothing else.  And it never got old. The only danger I see in that might have been that maybe we were sometimes too casual or lethargic in following Christ. I prefer those risks than the alternative of the bondage of thinking that our relationship with God is somehow performance based. That He won't love us unless we improve. That we need to do more, be better, or try harder for God to accept us. I would rather err on the side of GRACE than judgement, legalism or moralism. Because that