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Showing posts from October 14, 2012

My Husband Is Not The Man I Thought He'd Be

Also posted at Lil Miss Gossip October 21st 2006 Our wedding anniversary is this Sunday and it's got me thinking... Most little girls start planning their wedding at age three. To prince charming, of course. Complete with those weird epaulette shoulder pad things like Cinderella's prince. As we grow up, the criteria for a future husband changes (slightly).... and the list gets a whole lot longer.  My list included things like: Kisses me in the rain Writes me love letters Holds open doors for me Is spontaneous Buys me roses Wants to spend every moment with me ...But none of these things does a good husband make... Thankfully, God knew how ridiculous I was. *FLASHBACK*   I got a job as a Starbucks barista. It was there I met a supervisor they called Eric... actually, they called him "el capitan de las vacas," but that's another story... I believe I would have sabotaged myself out of the wonderful marriage I now enj