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Showing posts from August 12, 2012

Science, Miracles, And Mommy Snuggles

I am phenomenally thankful for scientific advancement and modern medicine in pregnancy and childbirth.  Modern medicine said I needed to have a Cesarean with Evie. Having modern medicine available gave me comfort when having a V-BAC with Kaylie. Not to mention countless stories of modern medicine being used to save the lives of babies and mommies. I've been holding my breath this entire pregnancy, gripped with anxiety and fear for a good chunk of it. But thanks to modern medicine, once I hit 20 weeks, I knew that this baby would have a chance to live if something went wrong, and every week brings a little more hope for me. Photo by All That Jazz Photography  - Yep, that's my belly! But I don't put my faith in science.   Because science is always evolving. Science is not always right. Sometimes modern medicine declares a situation hopeless and won't even bother to intervene: Like a baby with no amniotic fluid from 13 weeks not only survived, but