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Showing posts from August 11, 2013

Men: be a woman, but with a penis. Widgets Dear Men, (Contrary to popular belief, if you have a penis then you are, in fact, a MAN.) Our culture tells you that you're not necessary, that women can do everything without you (even have babies), to be more sensitive, and to not fight, even to defend those you love. Our culture has told you to be a woman, but with a penis. Our church culture loads you up with all sorts of unbibilical responsibilities under the title of "spiritual leader." Go to work all day to provide for whatever standard of living your family is accustomed to, be gentle, loving, never get angry, to wear pressed khakis, and sit in pews with floral print every Sunday and sing Jesus-is-my-boyfriend songs. Our church culture has told you to be a woman, but with a penis and extra obligations. How exhausting! No wonder Christian men don't want to get married!  I call bullshit. When God created Adam, He said, "It's not good for the man to be al