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Showing posts from August 25, 2013

Karma Sucks

I deserve death. I deserve to suffer. So do you. Even my children do. I make choices every day, knowingly and in ignorance, that I dig my grave deeper.  If Karma were real, I would be so screwed.  So would we all! But you and I don't just deserve death because of our actions.  We deserve death because we were born fallen creatures, rebelling against God with every breath and fiber of our being. We deserve to be punished because we've turned away from God. We deserve death because we're sinners. Thankfully, Karma isn't actually a thing. Sure, we have to put up with consequences from our actions, but it's not a "what goes around, comes around" thing.  Knowing that people would turn against Him, God had already planned for Another to take our deserved punishment so that we wouldn't have to endure it.  That's mercy: Holding back something bad that should be coming your way. Christ took my punishment in