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Showing posts from October 21, 2012

In Memory Of My Beautiful, Annoying Little Sister

Dear Cassie, It's coming up on a decade without you. I've been thinking of you a lot recently.  Too many things remind me of you lately. A good friend lost her brother. A friend from high school lost her sister.  They just found Whitney Heichel . It's almost your birthday. Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Innocence" It's bitter sweet, but I always think of Buffy's 17th birthday when her mom lights the birthday candle:  Joyce: Happy Birthday.  I don't have to sing, do I? Buffy: (looks down at her hands) No. Joyce: (indicates the burning candle) Well, go on, make a wish. Buffy stares at it for a long moment. Buffy: I'll just let it burn. Watching Ringer reminds me too much of you and how much you loved Sarah Michelle Gellar.  You look a little like her to me sometimes. Ellie - 7 days o ld You have a new niece... who will never know you. That makes three now.  You would have loved having three nieces!