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Showing posts from September 16, 2012

Social Taboos & Baby Showers... I call bullshit.

What was a "social norm" is now archaic. What was "taboo" is now acceptable. But the same is NOT true for baby showers ... And I call bullshit. Why is it still a faux pas for a mom-to-be to plan her own shower? Baby showers are evolving: They used to be hen parties , but today's men are getting in on the action, too - and rightly so, since without them there would be no baby! "Couple's Baby Showers" and men's  "Poker For Pampers"  are becoming more common. Veteran moms are foregoing "Showers" and are opting for  "Baby Sprinkles"  or  "Blessingways"  since they already have the essentials. Eco-savvy moms-to-be are relying on the internet for  invitations, RSVP's, and even "Thank You" notes , which I'm sure my Aunt Vivian will eventually have a stroke over. So with so many Baby Shower norms being broken, why am I holding to some antiquated rule that sa