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Showing posts from November 6, 2011

green-eyed monster

Confessions of a Genevieve: I prefer to only let you see the best of me. Sure, sometimes I tell you about my mistakes and most pathetic moments , but it's almost always after I've come through them and I've learned some great wisdom and I'm looking good again. So let's try something new:  I am a hot mess right now. A few months ago we lost our baby. "The Lord gave me what I had, and the Lord has taken it away. Praise the name of the Lord!” We grieved the loss of our baby, but we know that God can be trusted and I thought my heart was good and I was at peace. And then I saw a friend's facebook photo: a positive home pregnancy test. The real state of my heart was exposed.  I cried out to the Lord in my jealousy and envy,  "Lord, she has two babies under the age of 2! What about me?!" And then last week a friend of mine sat in my living room and said, "I'm 9 weeks pregnant." I burst into tears.  Of cou


Everything is meaningless. Life is empty. All my work, all my effort, all my knowledge, all my wisdom, the career sacrificed for, the bank account built up, is all worthless in the end. Even the things that are most important - my husband, my children, the time I spend with them, family, love - It will all just fall away and be forgotten. No, I'm not depressed or suicidal . What's the meaning of life, then, if everything is meaningless? Why am I here? For a very specific purpose: to glorify God. Everything else I've been designed to do, to be - spouse, parent, friend - all of those other roles are all for that purpose: to glorify God. I believe that once we start viewing everything through this grid, through the "this is all for God" mindset, not for ourselves, not for our family, not for our own survival, comfort or joy, we are happiest and most satisfied and we are functioning within the role that God has designed us for. When the people I love


How much is enough? In a recent blog post , my husband asked the question, "What is enough?" Money, time, energy, attention, space. His theory is that we'll always want, "just a little bit more." "If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world." ( C.S. Lewis , Mere Christianity ) We'll never feel like we have enough of any of those temporal things because that's not what our souls have been created to run on. We're meant to run on Christ alone. But how much of Christ is enough? We will never be satisfied! We will never have enough of Christ! By His grace, we should always desire more of Him. We should never feel or say to ourselves, "That's enough of Christ for me. I'll take a break now." By His grace, we should constantly pursue more Christ with every action, every word, every breath, which are all by His gr

long lost love... & my husband knows.

Some truths about me: I am created in God 's image. I am saved by grace , through faith. I am blessed to be Eric West's wife. I am blessed to be Evie & Kaylie's mom . I have dreams that go beyond being a housewife & homeschool mom. I have a long lost passion that I'm beginning to recover. I can't remember who asked me first, but I was probably in elementary school when the question was first posed, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Even then I was fearful of other's reactions if I had answered truthfully, "a writer." I needed a career choice that wouldn't get attention from nay-sayers.  I know! "A teacher." That did it. Teachers & family alike were all about that. All I had to do was go to college and get hired. But what happened when the "go to college" plan was interrupted by life? Fastforward a decade... I love my life! I have an adoring husband, two beautiful l